I'm not a writer, originally. I've read my fair share of scripts, but I mostly work in comics at the art end. But I had this idea, I thought, you know what would be great? If someone made a comic about the myths and legends of the local Anishinaabeg people that populate the area I live in. The impetus for this was probably hearing the local legend of how the people came to settle Sioux Lookout, the town I live in. It's a great story, and one that I really thought would make a great comic... and since no one else in town makes comics (that I know of), I thought if I want to see this story on paper, then I'm gonna have to be the one to do it.
Which brings me to writing. I live here, I'm the one with the idea, but ultimately, I'm an illustrator. I don't write (outside of some creative writing in highschool) and although I think I have pretty good grammar, and some sense of what makes a good story, I'm not really a writer. Well, I wasn't, anyway. So I'm going to try to be, and I hope that with some hard work and help from some of my writer friends (and I have a pile of them!) I'll be able to come up with a story that intrigues people, and gets them involved on a visceral AND emotional level. We'll see... but it'll be a fun journey, regardless.
So, I've started writing the script. In fact, I started illustrating the book without a script, more of just an outline, but decided, for my first go around at least, I should do things the right way. So I've gone back to the outline, and started fleshing it out more (and as I find more legends to add, I keep fleshing it out even more!) and once that's done, I'll be writing in panels and dialogue. It's been kind of tedious, I have to admit - when I picture a scene in my head, I want to jump right to the page and start drawing - but I think it's good practice. That's not to say I haven't done some illustrating already - I have - I've been working on character and creature designs, costumes and locations... some of which I will be posting up here, soon.
In any event, I hope to have the final outline finished up soon and off for review of some of those aforementioned writers, for notes and suggestions... and then on to the script proper! I'll post my progress here, so you can follow THAT story too...
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